Monday, August 29, 2011

First For Everything

This is the first photo taken of me. I was a couple days old when it was taken. I think looking at this photo no one would know that I was East Indian. Comparing how I look now to how I looked when I was baby, no one would know the person in the two pictures was the same. 

This is one of the first photos I took. It was on a disposable camera. I don't remember how old I was when I took it. I think I was around 5 years old. I asked my mom if I could take a picture of her, with my aunt and Grandpa and she said yes. I just looked into the view finder of the camera and clicked when I could see them all in it. 

This is the first photo I took where I looked to photography as an art instead of just snapping pictures to remember events. I was 14 when I took this picture, and it was then that I realized that I could used a camera to show my art to the world. Since then I have looked at photography as an art and I always try to take photographs in new and interesting ways. 

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