Monday, August 29, 2011

#2- Balki

Dear Balki,
When we first got you and Minka I thought it was just going to be fun to have some dogs, but having you guys as meant so much to me. Whenever I come home and walk up the stairs from the garage there you guys are wagging your tails ready to greet me. If I am having a bad day, knowing that you guys will be there makes me smile. If I am sad I can always come to you and you will lick my face or just sit on my lap and make me happy. You and Minka are part of the family and I will miss you a lot in college. I will have no one to come greet me when I come home to my dorm room and no one to throw toys to when I am bored. I know it's weird, but I will miss talking to you when I am in a bad mood or just when I need someone to talk to. When I come home from college, I will look forward to seeing you as I come up the stairs again. 

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