Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Plato's Cave

Plato’s Cave is about people who see shadows reflected in a cave, but believe it is reality. That can happen when people view pictures, too. Everyone can interpret photographs and their meanings differently. Susan Sontag explains that people do not have all the knowledge of the world. “Photographed images do not seem to be statements about the world so much as pieces of it, miniatures of reality that anyone can make or acquire.” (4). Photographs do not represent the whole truth; they show parts of the world and people shape them into whatever they want to believe in. Therefore, everyone who views photographs has their own perception of the world. Susan Sontag wrote about how photography can influence peoples’ opinions. “In teaching us a new visual code, photographs alter and enlarge our notions of what is worth looking and what we have a right to observe” (3). People all around the world will be influenced by what they see. Photographs can make people think one subject is more important than another, or that something is not worth looking at, thus, altering the person’s view of the world. Since photographs are supposed to be proof of reality people just assume that what is in the picture is real.
When looking at anything I have often fallen into the trap of thinking that this is what reality is, when really it is just my version of reality. With wars we are often shown pictures of soldiers fighting for our country, but sometimes what we do not see is the innocent civilians killed because they are in our way. When I see photographs I assume that they are showing the truth about our world, but I do not take a moment to look at the picture and question it. Sometimes I realize that the photograph does not represent reality, and other times I do not. I think everyone sees things that they think represent the truth, but really they are seeing the world in their own way and do not notice that it is only their view of the world. Also, when I take photographs I believe that they show others proof of reality, but really they only show my idea of the world. Photography is all about perception. Everyone will have different ideas about photographs they see or about the messages behind their photographs. Everything about photography is pure opinion. I will always perceive the world differently than others.
I believe people, including myself, sometimes get caught up in the act of taking the picture and do not really take the time to appreciate what we are seeing. Sometimes I only look at something and then take a picture of it. Other times I see something that I think I can turn into art and use my camera to create a masterpiece. I believe that photography is about capturing what one sees, in one’s own artistic way. I recently got caught up in the moment of taking pictures was when I went to the music festival called Outside Lands. I kept snapping pictures of the different bands, but did not take the time to appreciate what I was seeing. A couple times I had to put the camera down and just enjoy the music. Photography can be a double-edged sword because it can allow one to show the world their artwork, but it can also make one loose sight of the importance of enjoying what they are seeing. 

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