Thursday, November 24, 2011

Culture Event #3: DUPB Movie

My last culture event was when I watched a movie in Daniels Auditorium hosted by the DU Programming Board Film Committee. I applied and was accepted to that committee at the beginning of this quarter. I believe that the movies we show once a week can be considered a culture event because movies are part of the American culture. We watch movies all the time, when we are happy or sad, during the holidays, during classes, etc. Movies can educate us about different issues or they can just be there to entertain us. The movies we show are purely for entertainment, but they still show different aspects of the American culture in them. When we showed Captain America is was shown through the movie that people like to see explosions and great fight scenes in action movies. Different movies for different genres show different things about our culture to the people viewing the movie. Also, I think these weekly movies are a great event because it helps to bring people together. I have my friends come to watch the movies with me and our group continues to grow as more people keep coming. I am able to bond with my friends over a funny scene in a movie, or a traumatic breakup scene. I think a culture event is when you want to discuss what you witnessed or took part in after it’s over. I always do that with watching movies, so that is why I think going to the DUPB movies every Thursday night counts as a culture event.

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