Thursday, November 24, 2011

Culture Event #2: Lamont School of Music Concert

Recently, I went to the Lamont School of Music concert. A couple of my friends were in the choruses and I wanted to go and support them. The concert was amazing. Everyone sang really well, but the most interesting thing to me was that a lot of the songs were in Latin. I don’t speak Latin, nor do I understand it at all, but somehow the music intrigued me. I think that is a big deal because that means the music was so captivating that I didn’t even care that I had no idea what they were singing about. I always wished I could sing because I love listening to any types of music. My favorite part of the concert was when the Women’s Chorus did a dance with one of the Latin songs they sung. I was so intrigued by it. My friend Abbey and I, both got really into it and were moving to the rhythm of the beat. I love concerts and I try to go to as many as I can because I am always in awe of how talented singers are. The Lamont School of Music concert was fantastic, and I can’t wait to go to the one next quarter!

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